play your anxiety away?

Here is something fun you can try to help you de-stress.


That’s all.

Oh and there is real science behind it, if you need to convince yourself it’s okay (to ‘indulge’), read on…

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The brain on play

Dopamine* (a neurotransmitter in the brain) has been linked to play. Dopamine has several purposes, and is released in the brain when we expect or receive a reward. As rewards are usually good, this can positively affect our mood.

Tips to get you playing

Try and remember what you did as a child to play. What did you spend your time on, just playing, lost in the moment without a care? What did you love? Indoor, outdoor, board games, card games, sports, tips, hide and seek?

Just go play.

*Great video showing the role of dopamine and reward if you are interested:

2 responses to “play your anxiety away?”

  1. So true! I often feel my mood lifted after playing with my kids. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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