Got something you need done?

You are never going to feel like it…make yourself do the crap you don’t want to do, so you can be everything you’re supposed to be

Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins said the above in her TEDx talk, and my Nanna said something similar circa 1990s. Though Nanna was talking more about general day to day stuff and less about long term goals, I think the “just get it done” kind of motto can be applied to both.

My Nanna and I were discussing housework and I told her I was too lazy to keep up to her levels. Nanna told me she was lazy herself, and this was the reason she kept on top of the housework. She said she would get it out of the way to make space to spend her time the way she wanted. This sounded completely reasonable to me and I have implemented this “just get it done” mind-set in my life.

It’s true as per the Mel Robbins quote, we are never going to feel like it (Vacuuming over Netflix…no thank you, vegetable over chocolate…again no thanks), but we need to recognise the long term benefits and just do whatever it is anyway. In terms of most things, it’s beneficial not to let things get out of control, or to the point we think they are overwhelming.

In the spirit of this, I recently finished two projects: one crochet rainbow cushion top that needed to be sewn onto the cover (as that just isn’t as fun as crocheting it in the first place), and one beanie that was ‘waiting’ a homemade pom pom.

Rainbow cushion with crochet top on cover. I like to think of it as a meditation cushion.
White crochet beanie with green pom pom, my younger son suggested if it was yellow instead of white it could be a pineapple, I love that idea!

Anything you need to “just get done”? Share in the comments.

Check out the videos and links below if you are interested in the information behind the post, please note they are not affiliated with this blog.


14 responses to “Got something you need done?”

  1. I legit have a hard time doing the things I don’t find comfortable doing. Sometimes I even cry because I’m the type who has to go full or go home and find it hard to do things half-heartedly. But I totally get it that there are some things you just have to get done. And I am able to do it because I stick to my purpose. Why do I have to do it? What can I possibly gain from doing it? And then, if I convinced myself to do it, I find that it somehow doesn’t feel as bad as what I’d thought it would be. Hahaha. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this, Kellie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww…❤️ yes that is so good if you can convince yourself why you should do it!

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  2. Oh, cute! As for doing chores that are no fun at all…Podcasts are what give me pep. I listen while I work. Makes the time zip right by. However, what I have found is that as I age, I simply don’t have the energy to work as hard as I did when I was younger and shot right through the day. I have accepted this, Many things remain undone as I focus on what’s really important. I try not to let those undone things bother me. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that is a great attitude about not letting them bother you! Yes to podcasts, I was actually doing that with housework and then stopped, thanks for the reminder ❤️

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      1. Sure makes the time zip by. And the chores. 😉

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  3. Sometimes I’m great and “just get it done” others I avoid avoid avoid. The thing I that while we are not doing that thing we have to do it looms large in our consciousness draining the moment of pleasure – so really, just get it done is the only way that makes sense – but we don’t always make sense.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah so true we don’t always make sense 🤣 Love your point about it draining the moment of pleasure too, so much better once it is off our plate!

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  4. Love crochet!! Your crochet is BEAUTIFUL!! I try and do to get it done, the stuff that isn’t so fun. Then I can do the FUN stuff, hopefully!! Great post! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so much! Me too, it can be so artistic ❤️ Yes to getting stuff done so we can get to the fun stuff!

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  5. My mom is the same way. She likes to get stuff done, so it won’t be hanging over her head. I used to tease her but, as genetics would have it, I have become my mother. Now I, too, must “get it done”. Lol. 😋 Great post as always, Kellie! And love your crochet work! 👏🏼♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha Brandi, that comment about your Mom makes me smile👌😊 Thanks so much about the crochet ❤️

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      1. Lol! You’re very welcome, Kellie! ☺️❤️

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  6. Or, as my dad used to say, “First we work, then we play. That’s the way we spend our day.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! I love that! ❤️


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